

英 ['strædlɪŋ]
美 ['strædlɪŋ]


  • v.

    叉开腿( straddle的现在分词 );跨坐;横跨…的两边;跨越…的两边

  • 英英释义

    straddle[ 'strædliŋ ]

    • n.
      • a noncommittal or equivocal position
      • a gymnastic exercise performed with a leg on either side of the parallel bars
      • the act of sitting or standing astride


      • the option to buy or sell a given stock (or stock index or commodity future) at a given price before a given date; consists of an equal number of put and call options
    • v.
      • sit or stand astride of
      • range or extend over; occupy a certain area

        "The plants straddle the entire state"


      • be noncommittal



    1. A fixture similar in design to a toilet that is straddled for bathing the genitals and the posterior parts.


    Straddling Boundaries: Identity, Culture, and School
    Pipeline-straddling protective barrier coating
    Ground straddling in PTH pinfield for improved impedance
    Straddling and overriding atrioventricular valves: morphology and classification
    Superposed deformation straddling the continental-oceanic transition in deep-water Angola
    Straddling between paradigms: A naturalistic philosophical case study on interpretive research in management accounting
    Straddling atrioventricular valve: two-dimensional echocardiographic diagnosis, classification and surgical implications.
    Signal crosstalk and induced resistance: straddling the line between cost and benefit
    The state of world highly migratory, straddling and other high seas fishery resources and associated species
    The State of World Highly Migratory, Straddling and Other High Seas Fishery Resources And Associated Species